When I use Octopus buildrunner in TeamCity to autodeploy release in OctopusDeploy, I get the previous version of my package… If TC is running build, then OctopusDeploy creates release and publish nuget-package of version How can I fix this? And what is the difference between the three buildrunners in TC?
My setup in TeamCity:
build solution (visual studio) OctoPack is not enabled
NuGet pack to create nuget from nuspec
OctopusDeploy - create release. release number: %system.build.number%, deploy to: test
My guess is that OctopusDeploy fetches the latest package from TC-nuget-feed(version 1.0.4), and when the build is finished TC publishes artifacts to internal nuget-feed (version 1.0.5) ?
I managed to solve this using a build-chain in TeamCity. When the first build finishes it publish the nuget as artifact. Then the second build starts which now has access to the artifact.