How to auto filter to subset of deploy targets


we are using multi-tenant deployments, and all of our deployment targets are tagged for the appropriate tenant.

When I create a release and deploy it to a specific tenant, then we need the targets in that environment to only include those that are tagged for that tenant. Right now we have to manually select the sub set of targets. Can the UI automatically filter to those that are tagged for that tenant only?


We apologize; this is a known issue. We are aiming to have this resolved in the very near future.

Please note the “Workaround” section of that issue. You can safely ignore the Deployment Preview in this case. The correct machines will be deployed to. That is our recommended action for now, rather than explicitly selecting machines.

Again, we do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.


Make sure you verify that the subset of tenants will actually be the only deployment targets used if you don’t select them - for me, this was not the case.