How does OD know which Jira issues to include for a particular release?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for getting in touch! This is a great question, and the answer lies with our updated TeamCity and Bamboo plugins which include a new build step called Octopus Metadata. Quoting the following blog post (that goes into much more detail that I’d recommend giving a read through): “This step gathers metadata about the build and the commits and includes all of this in a call to Octopus. It’s similar to pushing a package and requires the packageID and version of the package that the metadata describes.”

I hope that helps! Let me know if there’s anything else we can assist with.

Best regards,


Thanks for the note, but we are not using those plugins. We’re simply building our own .NET Core based packages using Powershell scripts and pushing them to Octopus. Any examples on how we can then integrate OD with Jira?

Hi Michael,

You’re very welcome, and thanks for keeping in touch! You can certainly manually generate your metadata file in the case of not using either of those plugins. The following link shows the shape that we expect the metadata file to be in. CommentParser needs to match the issue tracker you’re using, i.e. Jira.

I hope this helps get you going! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns moving forward.

Best regards,


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I am trying to do this too. Pushing the metadata worked great and the Build ID, commit IDs and work item IDs appear perfectly when I view the package inside Octopus. However, the work items only display the Jira ID and not the Jira Title. Is there something I need to do to make it happen? I have entered Jira details into the Octopus configuration. It would be also good to know what possible values could be supplied for BuildEnvironment too.

Hi Lachlan,

Thanks for getting in touch! Regarding your first question around the issue titles not displaying, there’s one caveat to using issue titles in your release notes after providing credentials to your Jira instance - Jira Server (self-hosted) only supports username/password credentials, whereas Jira cloud supports API tokens. Is it possible you’ve hit this?

Regarding your second question, the BuildEnvironment field as shown in the link above is for your build server.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Hi Lachlan,

I just wanted to elaborate a little further that this field is just text and isn’t tied to anything. It displays in the UI as information for the user. You can reference the following example of how it gets set.

I hope that helps! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns moving forward.

Best regards,


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