How can I replace octopus nuget file with another version


I am trying to push nuget package via ms build, but it fails with error 500,
I tried the same with my local and I get the same
Then based on other discussion I found out it’s related to nuget version, my local was 3.4.xx so I download the 3.3 and I was able to push from my local,

So how should I change the nuget file which is provided in octopus?

on my build server the path is, and it seems that it will be copied there from some where
C:\BuildsA2\5\Core Web Portal\TestCIWebAppSolution\src\TestCIWebAppSolution\packages\OctoPack.3.4.2\tools\NuGet.exe

I found the nuget under packages in my source control, so I removed the existing one and add the 3.3.0. now it’s working

Hi Reza,

Great job figuring it out! If you run into any more issues, please dont hesitate to get in touch. :slight_smile:

Best regards,