Hosted Octopus

It would be pretty neat to have a hosted option for Octopus. Maybe something like . It wouldn’t have to be free (although that would be nice :slight_smile: ) Something to think about for the future.

Hi Rob,

Good suggestion. It’s definitely something I’d like to support in future. A hosted service requires more effort in terms of support staff than I can currently handle, but hopefully it’s something I can make happen in the next 6 months.


I would love to have this hosted option. It will be especially useful when octopus has the embedded nuget server. That way I can install the tentacles on my ec2 instances and deploy to them without having to have a separate box for octopus.


We trialled a hosted Octopus a few months ago and we were able to get something working. I’m hoping to have a supported and hosted version of Octopus not long after version 2.0 ships.


Awesome! I look forward to seeing what you come out with.


Hosted options sounds great. Definitely looking forwards to that!