High frequency database polling from octopus server

Our DBA’s have identified frequent polling on our SQL Server instance coming from octopus server. It’s calling a lot of things very frequently in a loop. I don’t see any info in diagnostics, and have restarted the service, without effect.

I’m not sure if this has been going on since first install, it’s the first time it was brought to my attention. The version is 3.1.1

Here’s the calls we see in loop:

SELECT * FROM dbo.[DeploymentEnvironment] ORDER BY Id
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Project] ORDER BY Id
SELECT * FROM dbo.[ProjectGroup] ORDER BY Id
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Lifecycle] ORDER BY Id
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Dashboard] ORDER BY Id
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[DashboardConfiguration] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(31)’,@id=N’DashboardConfiguration-Users-24’
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[Configuration] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(11)’,@id=N’maintenance’
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[Configuration] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(19)’,@id=N’upgradeavailability’
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[OctopusServerNode] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(10)’,@id=N’WHQDEPLOY2’
exec sp_executesql N’UPDATE dbo.[OctopusServerNode] SET [Name] = @Name, [LastSeen] = @LastSeen, [Rank] = @Rank, [MaxConcurrentTasks] = @MaxConcurrentTasks, [IsInMaintenanceMode] = @IsInMaintenanceMode, Json = @Json WHERE Id = @Id’,N’@Id nvarchar(10),@Json nvarchar(2),@Name nvarchar(10),@LastSeen datetimeoffset(7),@Rank nvarchar(4000),@MaxConcurrentTasks int,@IsInMaintenanceMode bit’,@Id=N’WHQDEPLOY2’,@Json=N’{}’,@Name=N’WHQDEPLOY2’,@LastSeen=‘2016-02-03 20:53:11.4293962 +00:00’,@Rank=N’Leader’,@MaxConcurrentTasks=5,@IsInMaintenanceMode=0
exec sp_reset_connection
SELECT * FROM dbo.[OctopusServerNode] WITH (UPDLOCK) ORDER BY Id
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[Configuration] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(11)’,@id=N’maintenance’
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[Configuration] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(19)’,@id=N’upgradeavailability’
exec sp_reset_connection
exec sp_executesql N’SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.[DashboardConfiguration] WHERE (Id = @id) ORDER BY Id’,N’@id nvarchar(31)’,@id=N’DashboardConfiguration-Users-20’
exec sp_reset_connection


Thanks for getting in touch! Octopus needs to continually poll to keep the database connections open, refresh the dashboard queries and update information.
It allows you to do things like schedule deployments when no user is ‘online’ or use the API or tools to run deployment from outside of the UI, it keeps Tentacle connectivity current etc.
Do you have any specific concerns about this that I can answer?
