Having issues while calling from other projects

I have created a project (runbook) “Activate Windows” with 4steps which runs on a deployment target which has tag as “pendingwindowslicence”. Tag will be added while provision server from another project

  1. Check tentacle health
  2. Get Keys from KeyVault
  3. Activate Windows
  4. Remove role - pendingwindowslicense (by calling a step template, which removes role after activating server)

Issue: while calling from another project, having issue as below. Could you please help me on this

Hi @allisathwik!

Looking at the output of the screenshot, it looks like the Octo CLI tool is being called with the --WhatIf arg, which does a dry run of the operation without progressing with the release creation. If you remove this argument, it should proceed with the operation.

If this isn’t the issue you’re experiencing, could you provide some further context as to what you’re experiencing, and what you expect should be happening?

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

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