Getting "Please provide a value for the package ID" when importing with octo.exe

I’m using octo.exe to export a project from our PROD instance (running 3.16.1) to our TEST instance (running 2018.4.7).

I export the json project file using the command:

Octo.exe export --server= --apiKey=API-XYZ --type=project --name=“\MyProject.Web” --filePath=“C:\SomePath\MyProject.Web.json”

but when I run the import

Octo.exe import --server= --apiKey=API-XYZ --type=project --filePath=“C:\SomePath\MyProject.Web.json”

I get the following error:

Octo.exe import --server= --apiKey=API-XYZ --type=project --filePath=“C:\SomePath\MyProject.Web.json”
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.31.1

Handshaking with Octopus server: https://OctopusTestServerUrl/api/
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2018.4.7; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: Lee, Mike
Finding importer ‘project’
Validating the import
Export file successfully loaded
Checking that lifecycle QA-UAT-STG-PROD exists
Lifecycle QA-UAT-STG-PROD does not exist, default lifecycle will be used instead
Found lifecycle ‘01 - DEV Only’
Checking that all environments exist
Checking that all machines exist
Checking that all NuGet Feeds exist
Checking that all Action Templates exist
Checking that all Library Variable Sets exist
Checking that the Project Group exist
Checking that all channel lifecycles exist
No validation errors found. Project is ready to import.
Beginning the import
Beginning import of project ‘MyProject.Web’
Importing Project
Project does not exist, a new project will be created
Importing the Projects Deployment Process
Updating ID and version of Action Template
Updating IDs of Environments
Updating IDs of Environments
Updating IDs of Environments
Updating IDs of Environments
There was a problem with your request.

  • Please provide a value for the package ID.
  • Please provide a value for the package ID.
  • Please provide a value for the package ID.

Error from Octopus server (HTTP 400 BadRequest)
Exit code: -7

Ignore this, I realized whoever set up the project actually wasn’t downloading a package properly and was basically a bad project for me to test with.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for getting in touch and outlining how you resolved it! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions going forward. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


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