I use TeamCity as my CI server, pushing nuget packages to the octopus nuget feed via nuget.exe.
Normally this works very well, but one of my newer packages is about 420 MB size.
When trying to push that package nuget returns:
Failed to process request. ‘Request Entity Too Large’.
The remote server returned an error: (413) Request Entity Too Large…
I’ll tried increasing timer from the command line like so -Timeout 601, but that does not make any difference.
Also the error appears after some seconds so i do not think it’s a timeout issue.
So, all in all, i have no idea what’s going wrong, please help me out
Could you please let me know what version of Octopus you are running, and could you show me the full NuGet command that is executed when you push the package?
It looks like you’ve specified a slightly incomplete URL for the -source argument to NuGet, it should end with /nuget/packages (you can find the full URL to use under Library->Packages, e.g. URL to push packages to our demo site is https://demo.octopus.com/nuget/packages). Could you try and update the URL TeamCity use and see if that succeeds?
Are you running your Octopus behind CloudFlare? CloudFlare impose a max file size on uploads to websites running behind their service, so this could be the reason why you are getting the 413 Request Entity too large error.
sorry for taking your time. I was in the progress of writing you an email,
telling you that the problem is solved.
I have changed the url to localhost, as both teamcity and octopus are on
the same server. That worked.
And yes, your guess with cloudflare was correct, i only found out about the
limit an hour ago
(and only because localhost worked, and i started to dig deeper into the
issue. Never thought on that one… ;))
So, thank you very much for your support, you have a really high level of
service quality!
Best Regards
Robert Schadt
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