Executable kubectl does not exist, or is not on the PATH for KUBECTL CLI SCRIPT step

Hi, I’m trying to deploy a bash script which contains a kubectl command using a “RUN A KUBECTL CLI SCRIPT” step in the process tab, but unfortunately I’m always getting the error: “The executable kubectl does not exist, or is not on the PATH”.

Now I’m not sure how could be the kubectl command be supported in this type of step. Also tried script modules but didn’t help. I’m using a linux Worker for this! Octopus v2020.2.10 LTS


Hi Kareem,

Thanks for getting in touch!

The initial step to troubleshoot this would be to try running the bash script directly on the worker outside of Octopus to determine if it is able to access kubectl.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply, I’m trying to find any details about the worker to be able to connect outside Octopus, but I cannot find an accessible IP or should be another way for connecting ? We’re using Octopus cloud as a platform.

Best Regards,

Hi Kareem,

Is your Octopus Server an on-premise install or are you using our hosted Octopus Cloud solution?

Hi Paul, Sorry just updated my answer, we’re using Octopus Cloud.


Ok, in that case are you happy for me to take a look at your instance? If so, I’ll just need your instance name (xxxx.octopus.app).




Thanks for that.
I’ve taken a look and the worker looks to be one that has been created within your environment, you may need to check with your internal teams for access to it.

My best guess here is that this worker may not have kubectl installed on there or the tentacle user doesn’t have access to it.

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Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply, Actually the worker is managed by us, i need to update this internally.
we can close the ticket now, and will ask if there’s anything faced me further.


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