Errors on Step Template Usage v2021.1.7198

We are getting the following when we go to “Usage” on modifying our Step Templates

An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2021.1.7198: "Error: Not all process types have been handled."
in ActionTemplateUsageProcessLink
in td
in DataTableRowColumn
in tr
in DataTableRow
in tbody
in DataTableBody
in table
in DataTable
in div
in TransitionAnimation
in SimpleDataTable
in Unknown
in div
in div
in TransitionAnimation
in div
in div
in PaperLayout
in ActionTemplateUsageInternal
in p
in ErrorBoundaryInternal
in RouteAwareErrorBoundary
in div
in div
in Unknown
in main
in div
in div
in MediaQuery
in DrawerWrapperLayoutInternal
in p
in MediaQuery
in div
in NavigationSidebarLayout
in withRouter(NavigationSidebarLayout)
in main
in ActionTemplateLayoutInternal
in p
in withRouter(Connect(ActionTemplateLayoutInternal))
in RenderWithLayout
in Unknown
in Page
in p
in DatabaseComponentContextProvider
in FieldErrorContextProvider
in ErrorContextProvider
in Unknown
in RenderWithPage
in t
in ErrorBoundaryInternal
in ReloadableRoute
in t
in ActionTemplateRoutes
in t
in ErrorBoundaryInternal
in ReloadableRoute
in t
in LibraryRoutes
in r
in t
in ErrorBoundaryInternal
in ReloadableRoute
in t
in t
in RootRoutes
in withRouter(RootRoutes)
in SpaceLoader
in WithPersistedSpace
in p
in withRouter(Connect(WithPersistedSpace))
in div
in StandardLayoutInternal
in p
in t
in ErrorBoundaryInternal
in ReloadableRoute
in SecureRoute
in t
in Unknown
in Unknown
in t
in t
in Unknown
in DevToolsContextProvider
in ClientConnector
in W
in t
in Theme
in p
in DatabaseComponentContextProvider
in FieldErrorContextProvider
in ErrorContextProvider
in ErrorBoundaryInternal
in c
in App

Hi @lhull,

Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to see you’re hitting this unpleasant looking issue. A bug report has just been raised (link below) and fortunately there’s a workaround to view the usage via the API. This is done by tweaking the URL from (for example) app#/Spaces-142/library/steptemplates/ActionTemplates-342/usage to api/Spaces-142/actiontemplates/ActionTemplates-342/usage.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns!

Best regards,


Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for the fix

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