Error on collecting artifacts on tentacle

I’m running a script through the script console that has a New-OctopusArtifact. The script execution completes without problems but the collecting artifact step fails with the following:

The remote host aborted the connection. This can happen when the remote server does not trust the certificate that we provided.
Pipefish.PipefishException: The remote host aborted the connection. This can happen when the remote server does not trust the certificate that we provided. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
   at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
   at System.Net.Security._SslStream.StartWriting(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
   at System.Net.Security._SslStream.ProcessWrite(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
   at System.Net.Security.SslStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   at Octopus.Shared.FileTransfer.FileSender.<Receive>b__5(Stream stream) in y:\work\refs\heads\release\source\Octopus.Shared\FileTransfer\FileSender.cs:line 110
   at Pipefish.Transport.SecureTcp.Client.SecureTcpClient.Send(SecureTcpRequest request, Action`1 response) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish.Transport.SecureTcp\Client\SecureTcpClient.cs:line 83
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Pipefish.Transport.SecureTcp.Client.SecureTcpClient.Send(SecureTcpRequest request, Action`1 response) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish.Transport.SecureTcp\Client\SecureTcpClient.cs:line 114
   at Pipefish.Transport.SecureTcp.Streaming.Client.StreamClient.Send(Action`1 streamWriter, Int64 contentLength) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish.Transport.SecureTcp\Streaming\Client\StreamSender.cs:line 60
   at Octopus.Shared.FileTransfer.FileSender.Receive(SendStreamRequest message) in y:\work\refs\heads\release\source\Octopus.Shared\FileTransfer\FileSender.cs:line 122
   at Pipefish.Actor.OnReceivingTyped[TBody](Message message) in y:\work\3cbe05672d69a231\source\Pipefish\Actor.cs:line 113
Tentacle version

This happens on all of our polling tentacles. The listening tentacles work fine. The tentacle and server thumbprints match on all of the tentacles in the tentacle manager.

We’ve run this on all of our tentacles without issue before, but the error seems to have started since upgrading from to (we skipped some releases).

Hi Rodrick,

Thanks for getting in touch!

I have been able to replicate this issue locally, there seems to be a bug with the upgrade from pre 2.6 -> 2.6 (we did change the communication stack slightly in 2.6 which might be the culprit here), the good news though is that I have found a work around for the problem in the mean time.

If I reinstalled the Tentacle service by using the Reinstall option under the Tentacle Windows Service section of the Tentacle Manager I could then run scripts from the Script Console with New-OctopusArtifact calls in it. How many polling Tentacles do you have, would it be feasible for you guys to do that to get around the issue?

Thank you and warm regards,

Hi Henrik,

Thanks for looking into it. I can confirm that the work around works on our end. We have far too many polling tentacles to do the work around for all of them, but we’re not in a hurry. If an update can resolve the issue, then we can wait until then.

Any ETA for a fix on this?

The github ticket doesn’t show any schedule.

This isn’t a small issue when you need to manually re-install hundreds of tentacle services to fix the problem!


Hi Alistair,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this issue, unfortunately there is currently no ETA for a fix for this issue, I will bring it up with the team tomorrow and see what we can do.

Thank you and warm regards,


Just a follow up that this appears to be happening on all polling tentacles, even freshly installed ones using the latest tentacle installer.

We also tried the Reinstall option under the Tentacle Windows Service section of the Tentacle Manager, that works temporarily. It appears to roll back the service to originally version, as soon as you update the tentacle again it stops working again.

Have all customers lost the ability to retrieve artifacts from polling tentacles in the latest builds?

I can’t imagine that’s the case, is there something specific to our setup? This seems like a pretty major issue.

Hi Alistair,

Unfortunately this is a known issue with polling Tentacles since we switched the communication model to a streaming model, and is affecting all customers that use polling Tentacles and artifacts.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused!
Thank you,

Hi Henrik,
I’m also encountering this issue (running, but the suggested workaround doesn’t appear to help in our case. Is there any resolution in the works?

Hi Gee,

Unfortunately, there is no fix in the pipeline for this issue in 2.6.x.

Although, the issue has been fixed in 3.0 though.


Hi Henrik,

That’s good enough. Thanks for confirming it’s fixed in 3.0 []


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