Error in child step prevents succeeding child step from running

Hello! Currently writing a script for a child step that will shut down a service based on the result of the previous child step. I can access the result of the previous step as expected using the Action system variables. The problem is that when the previous step fails, the succeeding step is simply ignored. Is this by design? I would like this last step to run either way and check the result from the previous step.

If this isn’t possible I think I need to merge these two steps and that wouldn’t be optimal because the previous step is based on an existing template (HTTP Test URL).

Kind regards,

Hi Olof,

Thanks for getting in touch!

By default, all steps are configured to skip if the previous step failed.

This feature can be configured with run conditions. This allows you to configure a step to run on previous success, failure or always.
The possible issue you may have though is that the run condition isn’t configurable per child step, only in the parent step or individual steps.

I hope this helps point you in the right direction, please let me know if you have any further questions.
