Email step: CC addresses not being saved

In the latest version (, we are unable to save email addresses in the CC field. On re-opening the step, the entries have not been saved. The ‘To’ field is fine however.

Thanks for getting in touch. Can you please let me know the browser (and browser version) you’re using, and if possible send a screen shot of the configuration before and after saving? I’ve tried reproducing it locally and not had any luck.

Many thanks,

Hi Nick - Browser is Chrome Version 32.0.1700.107, I did some digging into the database and found that the email addresses I entered are actually saved in the process step, yet when opening the process screen there are no emails in the CC field. I saved some in the BCC field, and they were persisted OK (and this also showed up in the process list with “including BCC address” which doesn’t show after saving the CC addresses). Here is a snippet from the DeploymentProcess database record:

     "Properties": {
        "Octopus.Action.Email.To": {
          "CleartextValue": ","
        "Octopus.Action.Email.Cc": {
          "CleartextValue": ","
        "Octopus.Action.Email.Bcc": {
          "CleartextValue": ""
        "Octopus.Action.Email.Subject": {
          "CleartextValue": "Deployment of release #{OctopusReleaseNumber} to #{OctopusEnvironmentName} completed"

Attached screenshots for before and after saving. Thanks for investigating for me!

Cheers, Simon.


Thanks for the database clipping - this helped track it down; we have a client-side rule using the wrong casing of CC to determine visibility of the field.

Will fix and follow up via:


Interestingly, I just found that adding a new email step works correctly, it’s only on the existing ones it didn’t work. Just in case that helps.