Dynamic Package name Generation


We work on 4-5 branches on TFVC. on each build I Package and generate Package name with:
_ like: B1_MyProjectName and then push it to octopus.

So now in Octopus i have packages: B1_MyProjectName, B2_MyProjectName, B3_MyProjectName etc where B is the branch name.

I would like to configure one Project with Several steps which will deploy the branches to IIS.

I would like the package ID will be Dynamic, so the user can choose the Branch he would like to deploy. I tried to set it with Prompt Variable, but it not working as when we select create release the package name already generated.

It seems that when created release the package id already generated

How we can set it to work?


Thanks for getting in touch! I think you can solve your problem by using semantic versioning. In this way you will have one package with multiple different versions. Versions can contains branch name if you want. Once that’s done the release creation page will allow you to select any version you want.

Please let me know how you go.



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