Duplicated subscriptions send for single deployment

We have webhook subscription specified for event categories: Deployment failed, Deployment succeeded and noticed that this subscription is sending 2 events at the same time instead of one.

Also in Task History for deployment I can see that we have 3 items 2 generated by system and 1 by user who actually started the deployment.

Could you please advise why we have multiple event and why there might be 3 items for single deployment in Task History ?


Part of the events send at the same time:

Webhook was triggered!

Webhook was triggered!

I also noticed following error in octopus log:

2018-04-08 13:29:44.8157 2884 336 WARN Retrying subscription webhook notification attempt #1 faulted, retrying in 00:00:00.1000000: The task was canceled.

would that indicate that octopus thought it didnt sent first message and then send another ?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The task history should show 3 different types of events:

The most recent is created when the deployment finishes, the next when the deployment starts, and the last when the deployment is created.

Could you please send the raw task log from the subscription task when you receive two events? (https://octopus.com/docs/support/get-the-raw-output-from-a-task) You can send it to me in a personal message to keep it private.


Hi Shane,

I think this ticket can be closed was about to send update.

After I increased timeout on subscription to 30 seconds i haven’t got duplicates anymore.


Great to hear, thanks Rafal.

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