Don't see Configuration -> Settings -> Okta in 3.16.7

hi there,

We just upgraded to 3.16.7 in an aim to enabling OKTA. However, we don’t see “Settings” under Configuration:

Was the UI option added later than 3.16.7?


Hi @dong_xue,

Thanks for getting in touch!

Support for Okta was added in 3.16.0, however, at this point the only way to configure any of the external auth providers was via the octopus.server.exe configure command as detailed here:

The ability to configure this via the UI is available in 4.0.11 and later.


Thanks Paul for letting me know this so quickly.

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Hi Paul,

One more question, for the call:

Octopus.Server.exe configure --OktaIsEnabled=true --OktaIssuer=Issuer --OktaClientId=ClientID

would setting “–OktaIsEnabled=fals” bring us back to the original authentication safely? We may need to test the enabling Okta out during off hours and would like to be assured that if necessary, we would be able to return to the original state without Okta.

Thank you!

When you enable the okta authentication initially, the current username and password login method will also remain active so you can continue to login using that method as a fallback option.
Once you are happy that the new auth method is working you can disable this using octopus.server.exe configure --usernamePasswordIsEnabled=VALUE


Hi Paul,

Thanks for that.

Could you explain “–oktaClaimNameType” a bit more for me please, maybe some use cases? The reason I am asking is because we have a corporate account in OKTA ( and our employees’ emails are like “”. However, our Octopus Server was installed and configured with a different domain ( and all users sign in Octopus with the names from the second domain, e.g. “”. These Octopus users were registered in Octopus with their normal corporate emails however.

We are not too sure if Okta is going to work if we keep everything as default.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,


Sure, this is from the UI description of that field, which is a little clearer:

Essentially, Octopus will be attempting to match the Octopus Username field against the Okta preferred_username claim.

What this means is that Octopus treats the local Username as a fixed point, for your scenario, the second domain ( will need to exist somewhere within the Okta profiles in order for Octopus to perform a match.

Or, you will need to update the Octopus usernames to match what is already in Okta.

Hi Paul,

Based on the following statement from your documentation, I think we are going to be OK because the Emails are the same from our Okta account as well as our Octopus user account.

“Already have Octopus user accounts?
If you already have Octopus user accounts and you want to enable external authentication, simply make sure the Email Address matches in both Octopus and the external identity provider. This means your existing users will be able to sign in using an external identity provider and still belong to the same teams in Octopus.”

We are going to give it a try as long as we are guaranteed to be able to roll back to the previous logging method without Okta if necessary. Thoughts?

thank you!

That’s correct, you can enable and disable it using the above method without any issues.

hi Paul,

Our integration with OKTA is working fine thanks to your advice. Then I ran the command “octopus.server.exe configure --usernamePasswordIsEnabled=FALSE”.It seems having not made any difference - The landing page is not changed and I can still log in using my Octopus username and password. What did I do wrong?



If you login and go to Configuration > Settings there should be an option to enable/disable the username login there too. Can you check that and see if it is showing as disabled?

I don’t see “Settings” in the UI. We are running 3.16.7

Ah, of course. It wasn’t added at that point.

If you run octopus.server.exe show-configuration does the field for username/password show as disabled there?


It may need a service restart to take effect.
I’ll spin up a test environment on this version and test this further.

Hi Paul,

Restarting the service did not help. I tried.


Hi @dong_xue,

I’ve just created a test VM running 3.16.7 and it looks like the username/password fields are linked to the Microsoft AD auth being enabled. Once that is disabled they should disappear e.g.


I will give it a try. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated!

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