We have several channels that uses tags or version range to get the proper release.
When disabling a process steps that one of our channels use it will cause the error "There are 2 viable release plans using the provided arguments so we cannot auto-select one."
Our setup looks like this.
Dev -> package step: Deploy, tag: "dev"
Feature sites -> package step: Deploy Feature Branch With IIS, version range: 9.0
Deploy -> For channels: Dev
Deploy Feature Branch With IIS -> For channels: Feature sites
When disabling process step “Deploy Feature Branch With IIS” we get this error:
There are 2 viable release plans using the provided arguments so we cannot auto-select one.
The viable release plans are:
Channel: 'Dev'
*#* Name Version Source Version rules
1 Deploy 3.0.3240-dev User specified Range: PASS Tag: PASS
Channel: 'Feature sites'
Exit code: -1
Octo.exe exit code: -1
When enabling process step “Deploy Feature Branch With IIS”: The “Version Rules” rules setup in the channels section has been removed and needs to be re-added for the auto release to work.
Octopus 3.16.2
Octopus Teamcity plugin: 4.15.6