Directory does not exist: C:\Octopus\Calamari

I am getting an error from a Health Check

Check Deployment Target health in Test

This task started a few seconds ago and ran for 2 seconds
Check Deployment Target health in Test
Check deployment target: Listening Tenticle - September 20th 2016 15:49:19Warning
Not running latest version of Calamari. - September 20th 2016 15:49:19Warning
Directory does not exist: C:\Octopus\Calamari

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for reaching out! This warning will show if you have upgraded your server, and Calamari needs to upgrade as well. A health check only gives you the status. A Tentacle upgrade also won’t automatically upgrade Calamari. Once you do a deployment, your Calamari will be upgraded automatically :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


Thanks already had it sorted :slight_smile: