Weird behavior i hope you can help with i need to be workin ASAP.
When sending a transform in the packge for deployment where the transform is in the docroot, it runs the transform on web.config, fails on views/web.config (and it should) and all is good.
When i tell octopus to run the same transform, but from c:\config on the target machine, it transforms the web.config BUT ERRORS THE BUILD on views\web.config.
The transforms are identical.
02:47:31 Info | No matching appSetting, applicationSetting, nor connectionString names were found in: C:\Octopus\Applications\stagingBLUE\ddd.Web\\Areas\v3\Views\Web.config
02:47:31 Verbose | File ‘C:\Octopus\Applications\stagingBLUE\ddd.Web\\bin\ApplicationInsights.Azure.config’ was interpreted as an XML configuration transform; variable substitution won’t be attempted.
02:44:36 Info | Transforming ‘C:\Octopus\Applications\stagingBLUE\ddd.Web\\Areas\v3\Views\Web.config’ using ‘c:\config\Web.Azure.staging.config’.
02:44:36 Verbose | Warning will be elevated to errors. Prevent this by adding the variable Octopus.Action.Package.TreatConfigTransformationWarningsAsErrors and setting it to false.
02:44:36 Error | File c:\config\Web.Azure.staging.config, line 7, position 6:
02:44:36 Error | Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.XmlNodeException: No element in the source document matches ‘/configuration/connectionStrings/add’
02:44:36 Error | at Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.Transform.HandleMissingTarget(XmlElementContext matchFailureContext, Boolean existedInOriginal)
02:44:36 Error | at Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.Transform.HasRequiredTarget()
02:44:36 Error | at Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.Transform.Execute(XmlElementContext context, String argumentString)
02:44:36 Verbose | Not executing Insert (transform line 7, 300)
02:44:36 Error | File c:\config\Web.Azure.staging.config, line 10, position 6: