Deployments randomly fail with: The Tentacle service is shutting down and cannot process this request

Our deployments randomly fail with this error:
The step failed: Activity Add Admin Website on xxx failed with error ‘The Tentacle service is shutting down and cannot process this request. Server exception: System.Exception: The Tentacle service is shutting down and cannot process this request. at Octopus.Shared.Communications.AutofacServiceFactory.CreateService(String serviceName) at Halibut.ServiceModel.ServiceInvoker.Invoke(RequestMessage requestMessage) at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeProtocol.InvokeAndWrapAnyExceptions(RequestMessage request, Func`2 incomingRequestProcessor)’.

Once this happens, if I retry it usually goes works. Any idea on what is going on here?

Hi @jwiles,

Thank you for contacting Octopus Support. I’m sorry that you are running into this issue.

Would you mind attaching a copy of your raw task log from the failed task? If you have a raw task log of the same task succeeding, that would be great too.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


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