We’re seeing some issues on Octopus 3.13 (currently 3.13.7, but also on a previous version, I think 3.13.3) where a task does not progress and will not fail properly when cancelled. This has happened twice in the last few days and did not resolve until I restarted the Octopus service. One of the tasks was a deployment, and the other was a tentacle upgrade. They seem to be waiting indefinitely on one or more hosts to complete a given step where the octopus server is not getting the proper status from the tentacle. During the tentacle upgrade, the log text was:
This server does not have version 3.7.67 of the Calamari package. It will be pushed automatically.
May 30th 2017 12:01:27Info
Calamari upgrade successful
May 30th 2017 12:01:31Info
Running Tentacle version 3.13.3
May 30th 2017 12:01:31Info
Beginning upgrade
May 30th 2017 12:01:41Info
Waiting for the upgrade to complete
May 30th 2017 12:01:52Info
Tentacle has stopped. Waiting for it to start…
The last message remained for the next 2+ hours, and the target machine had the tentacle service running. Restarting or stopping the service did nothing to allow this to progress.