Deployment picking up the wrong version of the software

We use TeamCity to deploy our website and Windows Service. We have a version of the site version 2.3 that is currently live. We are developing 2.4 right now. We have a build on TeamCity that builds 2.3 and another that builds 2.4. We also have a deployment build attached to the 2.3 build that deploys to our dev server. The 2.4 build doesn’t yet have a deployment build.

The 2.3 deployment build is picking up a 2.4 build even though we pass the specific version through to the command line. We’ve checked in the logs that the correct version number is being passed through and that that version of the nugget is available on the nugget server.

We are runnign Octo tools version Octopus server verion is TeamCity version is 7.1.2.

Any ideas?

Hi Jack,

Can you include an example of how you pass the version via command line?


The command line taken from the log and annonymised:

[14:16:26][Exec] C:\Tools\OctopusTools\Octo.exe create-release --server=http://####/api --project=“Dummy Project” --version=2.3.408.8111 --user=##### --pass=##### -apikey=########

The rest of the log…

[14:16:26][Exec] C:\Tools\OctopusTools\Octo.exe create-release --server=http://####/api --project=“Dummy Project” --version=2.3.408.8111 --user=##### --pass=##### -apikey=########

[14:16:28][Exec] Octopus Command Line Tool, version


[14:16:29][Exec] Finding project: Dummy Project

[14:16:29][Exec] Handshaking with Octopus server: http://####/api

[14:16:32][Exec] Handshake successful. Octopus version:; API version: 2.0.0

[14:16:32][Exec] Finding environments…

[14:16:32][Exec] Finding steps for project…

[14:16:32][Exec] Getting package versions for each step…

[14:16:32][Exec] Dummy.Service - latest:

[14:16:33][Exec] Dummy - latest:

[14:16:33][Exec] Creating release: 2.3.408.8111

[14:16:33][Exec] POST http://####/api/projects/projects-33/releases?skip=0&take=20

[14:16:33][Exec] Release created successfully!

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the update. The --version parameter is for the release version number given to the Release in Octopus. To specify which package version number to use, you can pass the --packageversion parameter instead.


Thanks Paul. That has solved the issue. :slight_smile: