After upgrading to v2019.5.10 some deployments of IIS websites started failing. As I don’t understand the error, I thought why not ask here. This is the error:
IIS configuration complete
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value
at System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute…ctor(XName name, Object value)
at Calamari.Deployment.Journal.DeployedPackage.ToXmlElement()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
at Calamari.Deployment.Journal.JournalEntry.ToXmlElement()
at Calamari.Deployment.Journal.DeploymentJournal.AddJournalEntry(JournalEntry entry)
at Calamari.Commands.DeployPackageCommand.Execute(String[] commandLineArguments)
at Calamari.Program.Execute(String[] args)
The remote script failed with exit code 100
The interesting part is, that the error happens after deployment has completed. See the first line of the above log abstract: “IIS configuration complete”. This is the actual message the log for this task would previously end with!
This is the raw log file:
09:44:46 Info | IIS configuration complete
09:44:46 Verbose | Deleting ‘D:\Websites\Dev\Nkc.Mobile.Web\\Octopus.Features.IISWebSite_BeforePostDeploy.ps1’
09:44:46 Verbose | Executing feature-class ‘Calamari.Deployment.Features.IisWebSiteAfterPostDeployFeature’
09:44:46 Error | Value cannot be null.
09:44:46 Error | Parameter name: value
09:44:46 Error | System.ArgumentNullException
09:44:46 Error | at System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute…ctor(XName name, Object value)
09:44:46 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.Journal.DeployedPackage.ToXmlElement()
09:44:46 Error | at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
09:44:46 Error | at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
09:44:46 Error | at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddContentSkipNotify(Object content)
09:44:46 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.Journal.JournalEntry.ToXmlElement()
09:44:46 Error | at Calamari.Deployment.Journal.DeploymentJournal.AddJournalEntry(JournalEntry entry)
09:44:46 Error | at Calamari.Commands.DeployPackageCommand.Execute(String[] commandLineArguments)
09:44:46 Error | at Calamari.Program.Execute(String[] args)
09:44:46 Verbose | Process C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in D:\OctopusTentacle\Work\20190614074428-62349-43 exited with code 100
09:44:46 Verbose | Updating manifest with output variables
09:44:46 Verbose | Updating manifest with action evaluated variables
09:44:46 Fatal | The remote script failed with exit code 100
Any ideas?
Beste regards,