Deployment error

Hi all,
if we deploy in an environment with many tentacles is possible, in case of errors, stop the deployment only for the tentacle that raise the error and continue with the next steps for all other tentacles?



Thanks for reaching out! There are 2 things to keep in mind here:

  1. If a step is set to run on 3 Tentacles, and it fails in only 1 of them, that won’t stop the deployment from running on the remaining 2. This will mark the step as failed though.

  2. Lets say you have 2 steps. The first step runs and it fails in only 1 Tentacle, which will mark that first step as Failed. The second step won’t run if its “Run condition” is set to “Run only if all previous steps were successfull”. It’ll only run if you set it to “Always run” (see attached screenshot to know where to find this setting).

Hope that helps clearing things up.


Thanks a lot Dalmiro,
I would know if I set always run, the second step will run for all tentacles or only for tentacles that have step 1 succeeded?


Inviato da iPhone

Hi Sandro,

Step 2 will attempt to run on all of them.


Thanks Dalmiro,
And there are not configurations to change this right?
No planning for features that include the ability to choose to run step 2 only in the tentacle that succeeded in step 1?


Inviato da iPhone

Hi Sandro,

There’s currently no way to configure this, but I created a uservoice suggestion for this feature so the community can vote it up:

Right now, if you need such level of isolation between targets, you could have a Tenant per Tentacle and deploy to all of them using a Tag. Each tenant deployment will be isolated, so if a step fails the rest won’t run, but only for that specific Tenant.

Hope that helps,

Thanks a lot Dalmiro,
Tenants seems to be what I’m looking for.
But I have another question please… I should automate the creation of tenant like the creation of tentacle if I need a tenant per tentacle.
Is this possible? I’ve seen anything on the documentation and octo.exe only create channels, release, environment etc. but not tenants.

Kind regards

Sandro Pazzi

Hi Sandro,

You can do this using our API:
