Deploying on Windows Server 2003 SP2 with IIS 6

I just wanted to know if Octopus Tentacle is designed to run/deploy on Windows Server 2003?

I’m trying to setup my first deploy project and I got a PowerShell script error:
“Import-Module : The specified module ‘WebAdministration’ was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.”

I then found out that in Windows Server 2003, you have to use Add-PSSnapin instead of Import-Module. Tried that and got the error:
“Add-PSSnapin : No snap-ins have been registered for Windows PowerShell version 2.”

I then tried to find the WebAdministration module to install on the server, but found out that it doesn’t exist for Windows Server 2003.

Any tips would be most welcome,

Hi Gunnar,

Tentacle is supported on Windows Server 2003.

However, the IIS configuration feature that you are using is not. That feature is designed to target IIS7 and above. Windows Server 2003 runs IIS6.

We do have a feature that helps with changing the home directory of an existing site, but it requires you to create the site manually or to script the site creation yourself.

I’m attaching a screenshot which explains what I mean.

Hope that helps!


Well, of course. Now it makes sense :slight_smile:
I had the wrong IIS feature setup.

Another related question, I did try the same setup with another server we have (Windows Server 2008) that uses IIS7. I got the same error as before, but no error when I changed the Octopus powershell script script from
"Import-Module WebAdministration" to
"Add-PSSnapin WebAdministration"

Is that ok to do? :slight_smile:


Hi Gunnar - copying the included script to a Deploy.ps1 script in your own package is a more sustainable way to modify the scripts, as Octopus will overwrite them on each Tentacle upgrade (if that’s the script you mean). Your modification sounds fine, if it is necessary on your system, but there may be missing Windows features you can turn on to get the desired modules.

If you copy the script into your own package you need to add:

Set-OctopusVariable -Name "Octopus.Action.SkipRemainingConventions" -Value "True"

…to the end of your script to bypass the built-in one.

Again, checking Windows feature installation is probably the first thing to check, but using your own deployment logic is also fine.


Ok, thank you for the tip. This helps alot.
