Hi Daniel,
Tried a bunch of things but nothing is working. Referring to the rolling development page I created two child steps, Stop App Service and Start App Service to bookend the Deploy Packages step. These are both Azure PowerShell steps that
I’ve used in the past to stop a web application.
So the Stop step is simply:
Stop-AzureWebSite -Name $AppService
Where $AppService is a variable I have setup scoped to the target and environment for each App Service in Azure.
All steps run under Azure Accounts (which are of type AzureAccount bound to the environments as we have one for each environment).
Here’s the log dump on the failure. The error at 8:27:41 tries to run the Stop-AzureWebSite cmdlet but fails because it says no default subscription has been designated and to use Select-AzureSubscription to set one. I’ve tried calling
Select-AzureSubscription -Default with the Subscription name, id, etc. (all text variables) but they always fail saying they can’t find the subscription (and I’ve confirmed there’s no typo). When you look at the script it does log into Azure correctly and
come back with the service principal information, so it is signing in correctly to Azure and even knows the SubscriptionId, however I can’t seem to use these values anywhere else. I’ve tried information from the page
https://octopus.com/docs/deployment-process/variables/azure-account-variables to use these in PowerShell but nothing comes back as it’s described on the page.
Here’s the scrubbed log from Octopus. Let me know if you have any ideas why this failure is happening and what we might be missing.
Failed: [REDACTED]
08:27:42 Fatal | The action Stop App Service on [REDACTED] failed
Failed: Stop App Service (on the Octopus Server)
08:27:14 Verbose | Octopus Server version: 2018.8.4+Branch.master.Sha.1136e3e30f9ec4e8c4c8f2beb7688e7d95915fff
08:27:14 Verbose | Environment Information:
OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
OsBitVersion: x64
Is64BitProcess: True
CurrentUser: [REDACTED]
MachineName: [REDACTED]
ProcessorCount: 2
CurrentDirectory: C:\Windows\system32
TempDirectory: C:\Temp\
HostProcessName: Octopus.Server
PID: 3544
08:27:14 Verbose | Executing Stop App Service (type Run an Azure PowerShell Script) on Octopus Server
08:27:14 Verbose | Using account ID ‘[REDACTED]’
08:27:14 Verbose | Account variables are being contributed by the target
08:27:14 Verbose | Using Calamari.Cloud 4.9.1
08:27:14 Verbose | Using Octopus.Dependencies.AzureCmdlets 5.7.0
08:27:14 Verbose | Using Octopus.Dependencies.AzureCLI 2.0.42
08:27:14 Verbose | Running this script in the Octopus Server security context ([REDACTED])
08:27:14 Verbose | Starting C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in working directory ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050’ using ‘OEM United States’ encoding running as ‘[REDACTED]’ with the same environment
variables as the launching process
08:27:16 Verbose | Octopus Deploy: Calamari version 4.9.1
08:27:16 Verbose | Environment Information:
08:27:16 Verbose | OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
08:27:16 Verbose | OsBitVersion: x64
08:27:16 Verbose | Is64BitProcess: True
08:27:16 Verbose | CurrentUser: [REDACTED]
08:27:16 Verbose | MachineName: [REDACTED]
08:27:16 Verbose | ProcessorCount: 2
08:27:16 Verbose | CurrentDirectory: C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050
08:27:16 Verbose | TempDirectory: C:\Temp\
08:27:16 Verbose | HostProcessName: Calamari
08:27:16 Verbose | Performing variable substitution on ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050\Script.ps1’
08:27:16 Verbose | Executing ‘C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050\Script.ps1’
08:27:17 Verbose | Name Value
08:27:17 Verbose | ---- -----
08:27:17 Verbose | PSVersion 5.1.14393.2879
08:27:17 Verbose | PSEdition Desktop
08:27:17 Verbose | PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
08:27:17 Verbose | BuildVersion 10.0.14393.2879
08:27:17 Verbose | CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
08:27:17 Verbose | WSManStackVersion 3.0
08:27:17 Verbose | PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
08:27:17 Verbose | SerializationVersion
08:27:18 Verbose | PowerShell Environment Information:
08:27:18 Verbose | OperatingSystem: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
08:27:18 Verbose | OsBitVersion: x64
08:27:18 Verbose | Is64BitProcess: True
08:27:18 Verbose | CurrentUser: [REDACTED]
08:27:18 Verbose | MachineName: [REDACTED]
08:27:18 Verbose | ProcessorCount: 2
08:27:18 Verbose | CurrentDirectory: C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050
08:27:18 Verbose | CurrentLocation: C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050
08:27:18 Verbose | TempDirectory: C:\Temp\
08:27:18 Verbose | HostProcessName: powershell
08:27:18 Verbose | TotalPhysicalMemory: 8385564 KB
08:27:18 Verbose | AvailablePhysicalMemory: 5237776 KB
08:27:20 Verbose | Authenticating with Service Principal
08:27:21 Verbose | Account : [REDACTED]
08:27:21 Verbose | SubscriptionName : [REDACTED]
08:27:21 Verbose | SubscriptionId : [REDACTED]
08:27:21 Verbose | TenantId : [REDACTED]
08:27:21 Verbose | Environment : AzureCloud
08:27:26 Verbose | Azure CLI: Authenticating with Service Principal
08:27:31 Verbose | [
08:27:31 Verbose | {
08:27:31 Verbose | “cloudName”: “AzureCloud”,
08:27:31 Verbose | “id”: “[REDACTED]”,
08:27:31 Verbose | “isDefault”: true,
08:27:31 Verbose | “name”: “[REDACTED]”,
08:27:31 Verbose | “state”: “Enabled”,
08:27:31 Verbose | “tenantId”: “[REDACTED]”,
08:27:31 Verbose | “user”: {
08:27:31 Verbose | “name”: “[REDACTED]”,
08:27:31 Verbose | “type”: “servicePrincipal”
08:27:31 Verbose | }
08:27:31 Verbose | }
08:27:31 Verbose | ]
08:27:31 Verbose | Azure CLI: Setting active subscription to [REDACTED]
08:27:35 Verbose | Successfully authenticated with the Azure CLI
08:27:35 Verbose | Invoking target script “C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050\Script.ps1” with parameters
08:27:41 Error | Stop-AzureWebSite : No default subscription has been designated. Use Select-AzureSubscription -Default
08:27:41 Error | to set the default subscription.
08:27:41 Error | At C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050\Script.ps1:19 char:1
08:27:41 Error | + Stop-AzureWebSite -Name $AppService
08:27:41 Error | + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
08:27:41 Error | + CategoryInfo : CloseError: (
[Stop-AzureWebsite], ApplicationException
08:27:41 Error | + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Websites.StopAzureWebsiteCommand
08:27:41 Verbose | Process C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in C:\Octopus\Work\20190617142714-59393-7050 exited with code 1
08:27:42 Verbose | Updating manifest with output variables
08:27:42 Verbose | Updating manifest with action evaluated variables
08:27:42 Fatal | The remote script failed with exit code 1