Deploy to tenant, certificate error

I am trying to deploy a package to my tenant , the project that i want to deploy have a project variable of type certificate but for my tenant this certificate is not relevant so i scope the variable to only be used when i deploy in the specific channel that is not used when i deploy to tenants. I also scope it to be used only in a specific process step that is not used when i deploy to tenants. Even if i scope it to not be used or replacing the certificates in my tenant specific variables i still get this error

There was a problem with your request.
• [MyTenant] is not authorized to use certificates '[MyCertificate] ',. They are referenced by variables . Once you have corrected these problems you can try again. If the problem is related to a variable you will need to update the variables for this release or recreate the release for the changes to take effect. If the problem is related to the deployment process you will need to create a new release for the changes to take effect.

The only thing that works is if I define a scope on certificate variable and choose to include it only in a specific environment. What if i want to use the same environment, is that not possible? Do i really need to create new environments for my tenants just to get around the certificate error!?

Hi Marcus,

I’ve been able to reproduce the issue as you’ve described locally, and it looks like there may be a bug with how or when we take channels into account when evaluating variables. I’ll investigate further, and let you know my results.

Thank you for contacting us, I’ll be in touch soon.


Hi Marcus,

I can confirm there is a bug with applying channel scoping before trying to load certificate variables. We’ve created an issue in GitHub to track this bug. I’ve also completed a fix and am just waiting for testing so we can include it in the next release.

I’ll let you know when we’ve released the fix. Thank you for reporting the issue!



Thank you for your patience. We’ve released a fix for your issue in version 2018.6.7 of Octopus Deploy. If you upgrade to that version, everything should be sorted.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. If there is anything else we can help with, please let me know :slight_smile:


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Hi Jayden

Thanks a lot for the fix. I have one more thing i would like to ask you about.

Say i have a process with 5 build steps, i only want to run these steps when deploying to a specific channel so in Conditions -> Channels -> Choose which channels this step applies to, i select my channel in all build steps. Suddenly i decide to make a new channel similar to the one i have but i want to change a couple of things, when i am done with that i delete my old channel that was previously connected to the build steps that i now want to connect to my new channel. I navigate to the build steps but then all my steps are gone because i removed the channel that was connected to the build steps, i get it why it cannot be active because i specified that i only wanted to run the step on that channel but shouldn’t there be a warning to let me know that there are build steps that will be removed when i remove that channel?


Hi Marcus,

This is a usability problem we are aware of and would like to improve. We have a Github issue to track it (along with other issues related to cascade deletes).

Since this isn’t the first time it has been reported, and the experience is particularly bad, I’ve set aside some time today to see if I can create a fix for this, so I’ll be in touch with more news shortly.


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