Deploy to many environments is very laborious

Our procedures are that we want to deploy:

  • every monday at 14.00 to Acception environments (about 8 environments)
  • every wednesday at 4.00 to deploy to Production environments (about 15 environments)
    A colleague has to do this every week, by hand.
    He has to pick all the environments 1 by 1. This is very laborious. And it has a big chance of making mistakes.
    I hoped that I would be able to use tagging for making groups, so it would give a solution which is faster. But that does not work.
    I have taken a picture of the process, you have to klik every environment.
    Do you know a solution for this? (am I missing something?)

Hi Eric,

Thanks for reaching out! I’m afraid there’s no way to avoid having to pick each Environment by hand if you are using the web UI for this.

I would personally recommend you to, instead of using the Octopus scheduled deployment functionality here, use a scheduled task from Windows or a scheduled build from your build server that runs Octo.exe deploy-release

The reason why I recommend you to avoid using the Octopus UI in this case, is because at the moment there’s no way to schedule recurring deployments, which is why you are forced to do this every week. There’s a uservoice suggestion open that could us your (and your colleague’s) votes to reach our 200 votes threshold and be selected from implementation:

Best regards,

Oke, this I understand. You don’t support scheduling reccurrent deployments.

But will there come a possibility to use the tagging facility of Tenants to use for grouping. (This would be a reason to start using Tenants). The tagging looks fantastic, except for the limitation that it is restricted to 1 environment in your Octopus UI.


Hi Eric,

Apologies for the delay here.

There’s an open uservoice suggestion for this feature over here:

If you can, drop by and add some votes to it. Even though the suggestion only mentions tagging environments for variable scoping purposes, if it ever gets implemented It’ll also be extended to be able to deploy to all environments that have a specific tag.

Best regards,