is down

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However, I’m getting DNS errors now trying to resolve using Google DNS (Dig (DNS lookup))

This demo environment was my workaround for: Swagger fails to load when using Virtual Directories · Issue #7086 · OctopusDeploy/Issues · GitHub, so it’s disappointing that it’s not available. I guess I’m stuck building a new octopus instance just for swagger pages now.

Hi Kyle,

Thanks for getting in touch, and welcome! I’m sorry to see we’ve caused you this unexpected roadblock. We actually just recently tore down the demo infrastructure, though we do have some samples up on our instance which has guest access enabled. Would that be helpful to what you’re needing to do?

Best regards,


The samples website has exactly what I was looking for! Swagger UI

Thanks for such a quick reply!

Hi Kyle,

Great to hear, thanks for following up! Not a problem at all, please let us know if you come across any questions or concerns in the future and we’ll be happy to try to help. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


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