Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear you’re hitting an error here. Unfortunately I don’t see an error message attached to this thread - would you be willing to paste that in? I’ll be more than happy to look into it.
I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!
I have attached the deployment log per your request. Please let me know if you have further questions.
This is a rather high priority issue if you could get back to me ASAP that would be great!
Thanks for keeping in touch, and my apologies about the delay in getting back to you on this one.
I brought this up with my team, and it looks like this script isn’t in the right working directory when attempting to be executed. This is due to the fact that your package is unpacking in one directory and the script is attempting to be run in another one, since it’s run a separate step. To solve this you can add the package to your script step to guarantee it’ll be in the same location.
Could you let me know if that fixes the issue for you, or if you just have any other questions going forward?