We are about to setup Octopus 3.x and I am curious about the Database Growth activities. Do you have a link or document that can provide me the information? e.g. x number of deployments in a day; how much database size octopus consumes? Or is there an ideal database size that we can initially setup say for 3 months, 6 months just for us to benchmark and monitor the growth?
Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately I do not really have an answer for you regarding this. Unfortunately it isn’t just the deployments per day that will have an effect. As a base for each release we take a snapshot of data, so it depends on how many variables you have for the project, how many steps, how many packages. Then each deployment will also have logs and information, so number of steps, your features and configurations, all will again add to size and effect of a single deployment on the database.
One thing we do recommend is setting up retention policies and not keeping all of your data on a long term basis. Things like deployments to dev or test generally take up the most ‘space’ (for lack of a better word) and are not generally required after a length of time. We can understand keeping prod deployments forever but again generally they aren’t as long.
I can’t give you any sort of estimate, but I would suggest setting up as many projects and starting some deployments and monitoring the size.
Sorry as I know it isn’t the answer you want, but I have never seen a customer installation that is the same as another so it is very hard to generalise what is ‘standard’.