Customize email content for Subscriptions


Is there a way to customize the email content for Subscriptions?

  1. We want to add a link to Octopus Server
  2. We want to include the Selected Channel

current email:
When Who What
6 Jul 2017 4:04PM system Deploy to Dev for Region1 succeeded for Project01 release 2.41.76 to Dev for Region01

we want to change to:

When Who What
6 Jul 2017 4:04PM system Deploy to Dev for Region1 succeeded for Project01 release 2.41.76 channel DevelopmentChannel to Dev for Region01


Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately it’s not currently possible to customize the content included in subscription emails. I think this is a good idea to have up on our UserVoice site to gauge community support, so I’ve created it. I’d appreciate you giving it some votes! :slight_smile:

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


Thank you, Kenny.


Not a problem at all! Let me know if you have any further questions. :slight_smile:

Best regards,
