When script ends sometimes it hangs forever. I can see in task log that everything ended but deployment does not end. When trying to cancel it does not kill powershell.exe and waits forever, only restart of tentacle helps. It happens randomly sometimes it’s everytime sometimes it works for 5-6 times in a row.
We have been having intermittent reports of problems in this area over the last year or so, however we haven’t as yet been able to determine a root cause.
What would be really useful is the next time that the script ends up stuck if you can follow the steps outlined in our issue and upload the resultant memory dumps to a secure folder here.
Note that you only have upload and not view permissions to that directory, so on a successful upload the files won’t be visible.
Thanks Kamil, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this issue.
Hi Alex,
thanks for response. Good to hear that you are aware of the problem. I’ve uploaded file powershell.hang.kamil.zip it contains all the dumps and screenshot of PIDs. I hope it helps