We have created a tenant specific project, but now when we create a new Release (via the button Create Release), it’s not possible to first select the tenant. I think this should be an option to first select the tenant (and environment) because it’s a tenant based project.
It doesn’t make sense to select all nuget packages also the ones that are not needed for the tenant deployment.
I think this will be a nice addition to your software suite.
Thanks for getting in touch! When releases are created they do not really have any concept of where they will be deployed. They are more a snapshot of a project, variables and packages in time.
The deployments are where tenants and environments are chosen. However you say ‘It doesnt make sense to select all nuget packages’. Could you explain more about your projects, and how the tenants and packages are related to your releases?
It does not sound like a scenario that we might have fully considered.
Thanks for the reply. In our Nuget packages store we have a couple of tenant specific files. We have a generic process for deploying our web applications but we have some steps that are based on the tenant specific packages (based on tenant tags and enviroment). So for example we have a step for deploying tenant specific files based on the environment and the tenant tags.
So now if we are creating a release we need to select all nuget files, also for tenant where we don’t want to deploy it for, because it’s a generic process.
I think it makes more sense to first select the tenant and environment and based on these values we can select the nuget packages that are applicable for this specific tenant.
Could channels help you here? It sounds like you have steps that will never be deployed for specific releases, and if these were done with channels, the excluded steps would not ask for a package to be defined.
Would this method be worth a bit of investigation? If not I think seeing your Project -> Process screen would help me understand a bit more.
I did some investigation and i completely miss out the Channels feature, it’s a great feature but after playing around for it I still need one more feature (after the 3.4 tenant release).
I want to deploy tenant packages within on channel, so i want to able to select packages based on a tenant (or tenant tag). Now it’s only possible to specify a packages based on version number of tag.
Could you help me out with this new feature request?