Create release step fails

Hello Team,

I’m running this below command for creating a release in Octopus and it throws the below error:

New-Release -Server $Server -ApiKey $ApiKey -ProjectName $ProjectName -Version $ReleaseVersion -LogLevel $LogLevel -Packages “${PackageID}:$ReleaseVersion”
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Error “ERROR: Failed to create Octopus release”

05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 ==============================================================
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 ====================== Creating release ======================
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 ==============================================================
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 D:\data\bamboo-home\temp\214335489-214499329-214728709-ScriptBuildTask-631529034590816897.ps1 : ERROR: Failed to
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 create Octopus release
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 At line:1 char:1
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 + D:\data\bamboo-home\temp\214335489-214499329-214728709-ScriptBuildTask-631529034 …
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:slight_smile: [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,214335489-214499329-214728709-ScriptBu
05-Aug-2021 14:32:35 ildTask-631529034590816897.ps1

Hi @avi.kumar,

First of all, welcome to the Octopus Forums!

Thanks for reaching out.

Are you running this command in a bamboo step? Would you be able to DM me a screenshot of the step so I can take a look?

Do you know what version of the Bamboo Octopus plugin you’re currently using?

Please let me know.


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