Configure Dashboard to show latest deployment

in our setup, not every build that we deploy for development is meant to go to production, so our develop branch always builds with a low version numer (0.1.1.[build]). When we deploy this to our develop environment, it doesn’t show up on the dashboard as it’s a lower version number than the one we pushed through to QA/UAT/PRODUCTION.

Is there a way to configure the dashboard to always show the latest deployment instead of the highest version number?

Hi Chase,
It may be good timing for you, because we are about to release a fix to the dashboard sometime next week regarding channels on the dashboard not showing the correct releases. You can check out the GitHub issue here. Although I’d guess that your issue should be fixed as part of this release, it would be good to get a few screenshots of your channels/lifecycle/dashboard so that we can properly try and reproduce it and make sure its doing what it should. Typically the version number itself isn’t used to determine if it show up or not on the dashboard, and instead it should be using the deployment date.
Thanks for the extra info.