Community Step Template Sync Issue


I met a community step template sync problem. In our Octopus server, I already had a community step template installed. We found there is new update of that template on community library, so we deleted it and manually trigger step template sync on Octopus UI.

However, after synchronization, Octopus only refreshed the author’s name but the script is still old.

The workaround I used is to go to Octopus database and delete that step template in [CommunityActionTemplate] table, and trigger sync again.

The version of Octopus Server is v3.7.5.



Thanks for getting in touch! The reason why the sync process didn’t pull the latest changes to your template is that the Version property hasn’t been incremented. I’ve updated our Contributing guide so it lists this requirement now. I’ve also updated your template so the next time your Octopus server performs sync it will get the new version.

Please let me know if this doesn’t solve your problem.



Thanks and noted :slight_smile: