Chocolately Does Not Contain 2021.2.X


Is there a timeline or a way in which I can install Octopus Deploy 2021.2.x using Chocolatey?

Right now, 2021.2.x is not uploaded to the Chocolatey page. Chocolatey Software | Octopus Deploy - Server 2021.1.7839

Our server uses an ASG and something like this to install the Octopus Server on new nodes:

choco install octopusdeploy -y --version "2021.1.7622" --install-directory "D:\octopus"

This is not working with version 2021.2.x

Thank you.

Hey Paul,

Thanks for reaching out.

This is actually something we’re currently working on. I will ask if there are any updates on the progress of getting 2021.2 versions added to Chocolatey.

Please feel free to reach out in the meantime.


Thank you for looking into this.

Hey Paul,

While we don’t have a solution yet, we are still discussing and looking into it. Apparently, this is some sort of conflict with Chocolatey’s file size/frequency limitation and the size of our product, and how frequently we put out builds.

Thanks for being patient. I will keep you updated as the issue progresses.


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