Change NuGet feed in step template


I’m putting together a step template based on the ‘Deploy Nuget a NuGet Package’ step. As part of creating the step template you can specify a NuGet feed and NuGet package ID. However as this is a template I would like to distribute to other users through the Step Template Library I was wondering if there is a way to enable the end-user to specify these variables when using the step as they would for standard parameters?

I understand that the user can edit the step template themselves through the UI after importing it but just wanted to check if there is a way to make the step behave more like the standard ‘Deploy a NuGet Package’ step where you can select the feed and package ID when editing the process.

For the package ID you could refer to a variable and let the user set the value through a parameter. This works but you lose tab completion which is a shame. I can’t see what a similar workaround would look like for the NuGet feed though.

Thanks in advance.

Hi John,

Thanks for reaching out.

For the package ID you could refer to a variable and let the user set the value through a parameter. This works but you lose tab completion which is a shame.

I’m afraid that is the only way around this one. Its inevitable to lose the auto completion of those fields.

It wouldn’t be a bad suggestion at all if you’d like to submit it in Uservoice. If enough users vote for it, we might consider adding it as a feature.

Best regards,