Chain Deployment - Not Creating Release Notes On Child Project

Hi Team,

I am using Chain Deployment Step Template and it works fine as expected or as per instruction I have provided. However, after successful deployment, when I checked the child project , I do not see the release notes. In fact I do not see the option for release notes if I choose the option create new release for a project in Step Template - Chain Deployment.

Is this something which is already planned or reported by the user’s on this forum who are using chain deployment.

Reference Only : I am using Octopus Server v2020.1.11


Hi @vivek.singh,

Thanks for reaching out.

Are you saying that the child project new release doesn’t have the build information, or were you expecting the build information to feed back to the parent project? Unfortunately, the latter does not work. Does the child project build information successfully create when you manually create a release?

Please let me know.


Hi Jeremy,

Well, child project is able to have build information while creating release if I ran the the project independently. However , I ran the same project through build information it does not create build information to child as you have provided the reason.

Thought : Since chain deployment is community based template, so , what if i make a clone of it , and then try to insert snippet which supports to create release on child project . Is it looks good to you for R & D purpose or you guys wanted to try same method or any plan in upcoming octopus release ?


Hi Vivek,

Just as a test I ran a deployment of a project that has build information in it and had Chain Deployment create a release and the Build Information is within that release.

I am on 2020.5.2 using version 21 of Chain Deployment.

You are not seeing build information when the release is created in your child project like shown in mine?

You are allowed to save a local copy of chain deployment and edit it any way you’d like, but I do believe you should get release notes by default.

Please let me know.



Thanks for detail and yes it is indeed having build information in chain deployment.
What I was saying that when a different project get triggered by chain deployment
the release notes are not getting created whereas build information is present in triggered project.

What I am thinking now is that to have a local copy and try to customize the the chain deployment as per need.


Hi Vivek,

Thanks for the update. I do think the local copy of the step is the right way to go here then.

I hope you have a great rest of your week.


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