Can't reconnect to servers once they are back up

I just went through a disaster recovery drill and now my servers are showing as disconnected. When I click the “Reset connection to these 15 machines” I get an error saying

“Value cannot be null. Parameter name: remoteSpace”

I tried restarting my octopus server but I get the same error. I guess I’ll wait to see if they show back up magically but it would be nice to be able to get them back online so I can redeploy or run scripts.

So I just found the last successful tentacle health job, re-ran that and now they all show back up so there is a workaround.

Hi Luke,

Thanks for reporting this!

I am glad you were able to find a workaround.
We are aware of the issue and if you need you can track it here:


I had the same issue after restoring the database. I deleted the old Octopus server and upgrade to

The work around is to run Repair RavenDB storage from the Octopus Server Manager.