Cannot find the project with name

I’m facing a (permission) issue that I don’t understand / don’t know how to troubleshoot efficiently.
I’m using OCTO.exe to create a new release, it is not able to find my project.

This is the URL of the project: https://myoctopusserver/app#/Spaces-22/projects/technologies-rulesv1/deployments
I’m using OctopusClient-dotnet/8.4.2
The logs indicate:
GET https://myoctopusserver/api/Spaces-22/projects?name=technologies-rulesv1
Cannot find the project with name or id ‘technologies-rulesv1’. Please check the spelling and that you have permissions to view it. Please use Configuration > Test Permissions to confirm.

When testing the permission of my user, the user that has the ApiKey associated has the ‘ProjectView’ permission on this project.
How should I troubleshoot further the cause?

Good morning @gbe,

Thank you for contacting Octopus Support and sorry to hear you are having issues with using our Octopus Client.exe to create a new release of a project.

Are you running octo.exe as current user (ie yourself). From what you have said it seems you have ProjectView permissions on that project but you are trying to create a release?

To start with what I would do is run octo.exe as an Octopus Admin user (or the service account Octopus is set to run under). If you have access to one of those accounts try and create a release using that account, if it creates the release you know its a permissions issue on your account.

If you do not have access to an Octopus Admin user I would suggest you take a look at our permissions documentation which details all the permissions we have for accounts. I would suggest if you wanted to create a release your account would need the ‘Release Creator’ user role but please take a look at the document to better understand what other permissions your account would have if you were to be given that user role.

I hope that helps but let me know if it doesn’t and we can dig into this a bit further for you,

Kind Regards,


Hi Clare,
Sorry, I might not have detail the issue giving enough detail.
The issue occurs to our Jenkins CI. It uses a specific service user named ‘Jenkins’, and connect through an API Key. This issue happens with a new project we created recently, our other projects are working fine.
So, I’m indeed assuming that this is a permission issue.
But I don’t understand which one.

I’m the Octopus admin. I see that my user ‘Jenkins’ has the ‘ProjectView’ permission.

Here is the entire log frmo Jenkins;
C:\Jenkins11_slave\workspace\Build_Send_Technologies_To_Octopus>C:\jenkins11_slave\workspace\Build_Send_Technologies_To_Octopus\OctopusTool\Octo.exe create-release --space=“Spaces-22” --project=“technologies-rulesv1” --version= --package=Technologies: --server https://myoctopusserver --apiKey [*******] --logLevel=verbose
Jul 13, 14:01:24 Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 7.3.7
Jul 13, 14:01:24 Jul 13, 14:01:24 Detected automation environment: “Jenkins”
Jul 13, 14:01:24 DispatchRequest: GET https://myoctopusserver/api
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET https://myoctopusserver/api
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET https://myoctopusserver/api
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET https://myoctopusserver/api/spaces/Spaces-22
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET https://myoctopusserver/api/spaces?name=Spaces-22
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Found space: IT.Prod (Spaces-22)
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Space name specified, process is now running in the context of space: IT.Prod
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Handshaking with Octopus Server: [https://myoctopusserver(https://myoctopusserver/)
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET https://myoctopusserver/api
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2021.1.7316; API version: 3.0.0
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Authenticated as: Jenkins (a service account)
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Found environments:
Jul 13, 14:01:25 This Octopus Server supports channels
Jul 13, 14:01:25 DispatchRequest: GET
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Cannot find the project with name or id ‘technologies-rulesv1’. Please check the spelling and that you have permissions to view it. Please use Configuration > Test Permissions to confirm.
Jul 13, 14:01:25 Exit code: -1

Hey @gbe,

Thank you for that extra detail that really helps understand your use case here. Is the Jenkins account you are using for this project the same account as for the other projects you mentioned work? Does that account have permissions scoped for that project:

You say it has ProjectView, are you able to give the Jenkins account Release Creator and make sure the team it is a member of is scoped to that project?

One more question, is that project Confg-As-Code? If so we have a section here on how to create releases via octo for a CaC project.

Let me know if any of those suggestions help,

Kind Regards,


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