Since upgrading to Octopus 3.11.5 we are encountering issues with cancelling releases. After we are running deployments we sometimes encounter our deployments hanging requiring us to cancel, when cancelling the release the UI changes to show the deployment as cancelled but we see the following error in the logs…
“This task was canceled before it could start. The other task is still running.”
Rerunning the deployment shows the cancelled task as still running and causes the deployment to join the queue.
Thank you for getting in touch. This is part of an issue I have been working on and am keen to get more information. This message indicates that another task has an exclusive lock on the Tentacle.
When this next occurs, could you check the machine deployment information (Environments -> Click the Machine -> Deployments tab) to see if anything else is running, or if the last deployment was cancelled. Also check the Task list (Tasks in the menu) to see if anything else is running.
If you can get me a process dump of the affected Tentacle.exe process, that would be great. I’ve created a secure upload folder for any files: Once I get that, I can check to see why the Tentacle is reporting that something else is running. My suspicion is that it is due to a previous task that was cancelled that left an orphaned hung process on the Tentacle.
Would you be able to send me a process dump of the affected tentacle and the octopus server service? Also the task log of the health check and your server logs since the healthcheck started. You can upload them to
Once you have captured that, restarting the octopus server service should complete the cancellation.
Thank you for that. Please let us know if it happens again and are able to capture those things. We have changed the health check slightly in 3.12 to update the machine status during instead of at the end of the process, which may help.