Can we get the actual name instead of ID's in octopus audits

Hi Team,

Is there any way to get actual Value instead of ID’s in Octopus Audit Trails.
Example:- in the below snapshot we have audits of VARIABLE SET modified, but when we check the audits it shows LibraryVariableset-1 instead of the actual value, even in Environments it shows Environment-1 instead of the actual value.

It will be very helpful if it provides the actual Environment name and actual Library Variable set name instead of ID’s

Shaik Sadiq

Hi Shaik,

Thanks for getting touch.

Currently this is not possible as we just retrieve the JSON from the Octopus API. We do have some enhancements planned for the audit screen, so I’ve raised your request with them to see if this is something we can change.

Thank you and best regards,

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