Can we able to downgrade Octopus Deploy from 2020.x.x to 4.1.9

Hi Team

Need a assist on Downgrading the Octopus Deploy From 2020.x.x to 4.1.9
When I am trying to downgrade i am getting the following Error
2021-10-11 09:08:31.1486 10244 1 INFO Loading plugins from: C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus\BuiltInExtensions
2021-10-11 09:08:31.1806 10244 1 INFO Loading BuiltIn extension: AzureAD (
2021-10-11 09:08:31.1806 10244 1 INFO Loading BuiltIn extension: Directory Services (
2021-10-11 09:08:31.1957 10244 1 INFO Loading BuiltIn extension: GoogleApps (
2021-10-11 09:08:31.1957 10244 1 INFO Loading BuiltIn extension: Guest (
2021-10-11 09:08:31.1957 10244 1 INFO Loading BuiltIn extension: Okta (
2021-10-11 09:08:31.2137 10244 1 INFO Loading BuiltIn extension: UsernamePassword (
2021-10-11 09:08:31.2777 4664 1 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: StartPending
2021-10-11 09:08:31.2757 10244 7 INFO ==== RunCommand ====
2021-10-11 09:08:31.5937 4664 1 INFO Waiting for service to start. Current status: Running
2021-10-11 09:08:31.8038 10244 7 INFO Checking the Octopus Master Key has been configured.
2021-10-11 09:08:31.8298 10244 7 INFO Making sure it’s safe to upgrade the database schema…
2021-10-11 09:08:31.8378 10244 7 INFO Checking to see if database schema upgrade is required…
2021-10-11 09:08:31.8732 10244 7 INFO Database already has the expected schema. No changes are required.
2021-10-11 09:08:31.8953 4664 1 INFO Service started
2021-10-11 09:08:32.6088 10244 7 FATAL Requested value ‘BuiltIn’ was not found.
System.ArgumentException: Requested value ‘BuiltIn’ was not found.
at System.Enum.TryParseEnum(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase, EnumResult& parseResult)
at Nevermore.Mapping.AmazingConverter.Convert(Object source, Type targetType)
at Nevermore.Mapping.PropertyReaderFactory.DelegatePropertyReaderWriter3.Write(Object target, TCast value) at Nevermore.RelationalTransaction.<Stream>d__401.MoveNext()
at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source) at Nevermore.QueryBuilder1.First()
at Octopus.Core.Initialization.BuiltIn.BuiltInFeedInitializer.EnsureFeed(IRelationalTransaction transaction)
at Octopus.Core.Initialization.BuiltIn.BuiltInFeedInitializer.Initialize(IRelationalStore store)
at Nevermore.StoreInitializer.Initialize()
at Octopus.Server.OctopusServerEngine.Start()
at Octopus.Server.Commands.RunCommand.Start()
at Octopus.Shared.Startup.AbstractCommand.Start(String[] commandLineArguments, ICommandRuntime commandRuntime, OptionSet commonOptions)
at Octopus.Shared.Startup.WindowsServiceHost.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.b__0()
at Octopus.Shared.Startup.WindowsServiceAdapter.RunService()

Hi @hariprasad.k2,

Thanks for getting in touch!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to downgrade Octopus to previous versions. This is due to the database schema changes only being one way.

The only way to revert back to an earlier version would be to restore a database backup that was taken when running the older version.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for quick reply and one more question
Can you Please help me in upgrading the octopus deploy 4.1.9 to 2021.2
Need few information on this
System requirements
List of Software need to be upgraded for the 2021.2 version in my server

We have a guide that covers the best steps for this upgrade. Specifically, it would be best to clone the instance and perform a test upgrade to ensure that there are no blocking issues present before applying the upgrade to your live server.

If it isn’t possible to clone the instance and perform a test upgrade then it would be advisable to upgrade the live instance in smaller increments and perform some testing between each upgrade to ensure stability.
4.1.9 → 2018.12 → 2019.13 → 2020.6 → 2021.2

The installation requirements for each version of Octopus can be found here.
Specifically, the latest version requires Server 2012 R2 or newer and SQL Server 2016 or newer.

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