Can not start tentacle service after remote installation

I use below script to download and install tentacle on a dynamically provisioned machine. The script also creates a bat file and executes it to configure the tentacle (stuff copied from “copy script” when performing manual configuration). The tentacle msi is successfully downloaded and installed, but when i run this script on octopus I get can not fin octopus tentacle service.

But rdp ing into the macine and manually executing the bat file configures it correctly

$remoteSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $remoteIp -Credential $cred
Invoke-Command -Session $remoteSession -ScriptBlock{
$installerDirectory = “C:\downloads\octopus\tentacle”
$installerPath = $installerDirectory + “\Octopus.Tentacle.3.8.1-x64.msi”

if (!(Test-Path $installerPath))
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = @("Tls12","Tls11","Tls","Ssl3")

    $installerUrl = ""
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $installerUrl -OutFile $installerPath 

msiexec /i $installerPath   /passive
$batPath = "c:\TentacleConfig.bat"

If (Test-Path $batPath)
    Remove-Item $batPath
New-Item $batPath -ItemType file

Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  create-instance --instance "Tentacle" --config "C:\Octopus\Tentacle.config"'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  new-certificate --instance "Tentacle" --if-blank'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  configure --instance "Tentacle" --reset-trust'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  configure --instance "Tentacle" --home "C:\Octopus" --app "C:\Octopus\Applications" --port "10933" --noListen "True"'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  service --instance "Tentacle" --stop --console'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  polling-proxy --instance "Tentacle" --proxyEnable "False" --proxyUsername "" --proxyPassword "" --proxyHost "" --proxyPort ""'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  service --instance "Tentacle" --start'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  register-with --instance "Tentacle" --server "" --name "TempSrcChanged" --comms-style "TentacleActive" --server-comms-port "10943" --force --username "administrator" --password "brightSide01" --environment "QA" --role "QA_IVector_TempDatabase_test" --policy "Default Machine Policy"'
Add-Content $batPath '"C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Tentacle.exe"  service --instance "Tentacle" --install --start'

Start-Process "c:\TentacleConfig.bat"

#Get-Service -Name "OctopusDeploy Tentacle" | Set-Service -Status Running


$remoteSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential $cred
Invoke-Command -Session $remoteSession -ScriptBlock{
Start-Service “octopusdeploy tentacle”



Thanks for getting in touch! Could you please provide the Tentacle logs so we can see what potential problems there might be with the service starting? They are found in C:\Octopus\logs in general installations.
I also notice that you are not using the --console flag with your commands that can have an effect if you are automating this installation. It may be worth adding that flag to see if it will help.

If it does not please send me the logs and we should get more information about why the service will not start.