I’ve got a Node.js application that I’d like to deploy via octopus. We’ve got a CI pipeline that includes Teamcity , so essentially we’d like to build the application in teamcity and then deploy via octopus.
I’ve gone ahead and uploaded the Teamcity.node plugin and have enabled it on teamcity. This allows me to create node builds i.e npm install e.t.c .
My question though is how I’d package the application using octopackjs. I’ve looked at the docs, do i need to run various additional commandline args within teamcity to generate the packaged zip ?
This particular node app also runs as a service , I assume that I can add maybe a powershell script to the deployment step in octopus to run the relevant commands to either install and or stop and restart the service .
I’ve always deployed .net base applications via teamcity and octopus , so this one is quite a new scenario for us.