We have a lot of builds failing after the release of OctopusTools version 3.3.13. Works fine with 3.3.12
We don’t use channels and just have the Default channel configured.
Octo.exe create-release don’t work anymore:
Automatically selecting the best channel for this release…
Channel ‘Default’ has no version rules, skipping…
There are no viable release plans in any channels using the provided arguments. The following release plans were considered:
Exit code: -1
As far as I know the Default channel don’t have any version rules. It’s the default channel created by the Octopus installation/upgrade and that did not have any rules.
I think this needs to be fixed asap. The patch release of OctopusTools should not have any breaking changes and should work when only the default channel is configured.
Hi Jan,
Thanks for getting in touch. There isn’t supposed to be a breaking change in this version, and I’m glad you brought it to our attention.
Can you confirm for me, where are you doing your builds? (For example; VSTS or TeamCity?)
I’ll be working on this issue while you get back to me.
Hope that helps!
Hi Jan,
Could you also post the octo.exe logs so I can confirm the situation matches the bug fix?
Feel free to make this thread private if there is sensitive information in the log.
This is a build we run on developer machines to create and install some Octopus packages. As part of this build we run octo.exe create-release. So this is a command line build in powershell. Works fine with 3.3.12. Breaks in 3.3.13
This build is our “first line of defense” for breaking changes so I guess this will start breaking other builds in TeamCity and also other command line builds we have that use create-release and only have the default channel configured in the Octopus project. Please let me know if you need more information.
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 3.3.13+Branch.master.Sha.5594c564f48befdb5f3c71a0da9b0cfe8446ad9d
Handshaking with Octopus server: http://localhost:8000
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.3.11; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: Confirmit Admin <>
This Octopus Server supports channels
Finding project: Confirmit Horizons Releases
Automatically selecting the best channel for this release...
Channel 'Default' has no version rules, skipping...
There are no viable release plans in any channels using the provided arguments. The following release plans were considered:
Exit code: -1
Hi Jan,
Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve shipped 3.3.14
which should fix this issue. Could you try it out and get back to me?
You can download it directly here or grab it through the same channel you normally use.
Just in case it helps, you can use the --whatif
flag for create-release
to run a simulation without actually creating the release.
Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
Hi Mike,
I can confirm that version 3.3.14 fixed the issue.
Thanks for the quick response and fix 