Firstly, thank you very much for such a good product, it has helped us a lot.
I realized that sometimes when I deploy a release, the portal loads a UI with icons but no text. Honestly, it doesn’t affect us in any way but I thought I should let the support team know. It doesn’t happen all the time but clearly this is not normal. Happy to help after using such a good product. Please find screenshot attached.
Thanks for getting in touch! This is an interesting issue that you are experiencing! We will need to grab a bit of information from you to get to the bottom of this one.
Would you be able to tell us what browser you are using?
What version is that browser?
What version of Octopus are you on?
Looking forward to hearing from you and getting to the bottom of this.
Like I said it happens sometimes when I kick a deployment. I do around 12 deployments a week and it happens maybe twice a week.
It is not a big problem, I just close the tab and when I open a new one it works normally.
I was a bit curious because I am also a .Net developer and I have never seen this. Last time it happened, I right click on the UI and went to inspect elements in chrome (tried to find something unusual). The page reloaded (it blinked) and then it displayed the texts normally. It made me think it might be an angular JS issue but I can’t back it up
Thanks for getting back with this information! Could we also get another bit of information? Would be able to provide the resolution you are using when this issue occurs? We recently had a report of the UI dropping information when it would not all display on the screen.
The version of Chrome you are using is quite out of date. Are you able to upgrade the version of Chrome to see if the issue still persists.
The servers that do our deployments are not connected to the internet, so Chrome does not get updated regularly. However, I have updated it with the latest one. I will see if that fixes it.
Like I said before when the issue occurs we just close the browser and open another one to reload the app, and that’s worked. The annoying part is when we have multiple tabs with other projects open, because after the restart we have to reload all of them again.